Thursday, May 14, 2009

Here's a story to make you smile!

I have chatted before on how much we love London, England; especially the people there. Here's a story that was posted on the BBC website; that brought a smile....It not only shows how cute the elderly can be, but how good-hearted the royal family can be.......

Catherine Masters(of Oxfordshire, England), a 109 year old woman, wrote to Queen Elizabeth complaining that the last 5 birthday cards sent to her, the Queen wore the same dress.

Prince William surprised Ms. Masters with a visit and had tea with her. Ms. Masters told Prince William that the Queen needed to obtain some new outfits and Prince William responded telling Ms. masters that his grandmother 'would change her outfit this year'.

Just cute....

Here are the BBC links if you are interested and have the time.

Happy Birthday Catherine Masters!

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