Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Cricket!

Today is Cricket's first birthday! Bought her some fuzzy toys and took her outside to roll around in the dirt to celebrate!

Cricket's First Birthday
 I started putting her on a harness and lead about 3 weeks ago. She always wants to go outside, but she still doesn't listen very well when you call her (of course she is a cat, and that seems to be their nature...Unless they want something!). She took to the harness and leash easily (I have heard stories about cats and harnesses), she doesn't seem to mind it, and doesn't try to get out of it. It's been awhile since I have blogged on her, so I will bring you up to date on her shenanigan's! Here are some pictures of Cricket exploring the garden on her birthday! (She hadn't seen the flowers before).
Dirt and Sunshine..This is the Life!
Dangerous Jungle Cat
 So to catch you up on the last couple of months.....

Cricket has figured doors out. She knows if she can get her claw under the door, or along the edge and pull, she can get it open (If it isn't latched). If the door is latched and she wants in or out of the room. She will stretch as tall as she can get and tap the doorknob! Heaven help us if she ever figures out the round door knobs. We do have a couple of doors that have door latches instead of knobs (I was trying to plan ahead for when we are older and possibly have arthritis), she has figured out if she can reach the top and pull down with her weight, the door might give. The only thing in our favor (at this point) is that those particular door mechanisms are on the front and back door, she hasn't figured out that she needs to be able to push down and pull back...If the front door is open (screen door closed), she will reach up and wrap her paws around the door handle and push the door open further....

On Safari
What's This?

Cricket has also learned another (not so helpful) trick. She has figured out how to open drawers that are not flush with the cabinet. Thus, I sometimes find my dresser drawer open (She can only do that because the slides are so nice and easy to operate). I also have a beautiful oak tool chest for my leather tools, that she has also figured out how to open. This wouldn't be a bad thing, if I didn't have to worry about her walking off with stuff! If she finds pens, letter openers, anything actually, that is easy enough for her to pick up and run off with, she will! Dave and I always joke that one day we are going to find her stash.

Kitty Loves Dirt!
About a month ago (or so), Cricket started talking...almost non-stop. She has lots to say and doesn't care what you are doing, she is going to let you know whatever is on her mind! Last night she was watching Bill Engvall (dvd) and chatting with us.
I keep trying to catch her (with the camera) opening doors or drawers, but up to now, have been unsuccessful. Will keep trying. Will write more about Cricket soon.

For now, Have a Happy Memorial Day Weekend. Take a moment to remember those who have fallen protecting our freedoms.

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