Wednesday, March 2, 2011

27th Anniversary

Thursday, 3 March 2011 is our 27th Anniversary. It is hard to believe it has been that many years. It doesn't seem that long. Geez, we must be getting old!
I was truly blessed in finding Dave, or in him finding me (maybe just in finding each other). We have had our good times and our not so good times. We have had sparks fly and exciting adventures throughout our time together. It has been a wonderful 27 years and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Actually, I was not only lucky in getting Dave, but also lucky in getting a wonderful In-Law family too. I don't think you could ask for more.
After all of these years, Dave still makes me laugh and I love spending time with him. Hoping to have at least a hundred years left with him, I look forward to the years to come.And Growing Old with him.
Happy Anniversary Honey
I Love You with all my heart

Or should I say....
I Love You
Bunches and Bunches
Buckets and Buckets
Barrels and Barrels
(Inside thing, may explain someday).....
Love to all of our Family.

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