Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Story of Cricket, Part 4

It's been 6 weeks and it is hard to believe that Cricket was a feral kitten! She is a very loveable and helpful kitty. As an example, Cricket is helping me type this blog right now, she loves the tv and the computer. She is watching the cursor at the moment as I type the words across the screen. (uuuuuuurknr m8 ,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm) This is her contribution to the bful7log! She is also very helpful with mopping floors, shredding paper, inspecting her kitty litter box,  and cooking.

Helping shred paper
Cricket has grown so much it is hard to believe she was small enough to fit in your hands just a month ago. We have been introducing her to our friends to help socialize her, and she has been doing great! She doesn't want to be held by them, but she will walk up to them and sometimes let them pet her.

We cut her front claws the other day, and she did really well. She is still very 'kitten' and none of my baskets or anything else in the house is safe from her. She challenges Dave over his basket of stuff on a daily basis. If she is quick and he doesn't notice her right away, she sometimes can grab things (pens, chapstick, paper, etc) and run away real quick. The other game she loves to play with us is hide and seek. She hides behind doors, under baskets and wants us to find her. She is an absolute doll and we love her to death.

Though we still miss Gato, Cricket is a joy and look forward to a lot of years with her. Will close this segment out with some pictures of our little sweetheart.

None of my baskets are safe!

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